• 1 lt of pasteurized milk
  • 100 ml of yogurt
  • Raspberries
  • Blueberries
  • Cereal


The LIFE domestic blast chiller allows you to make yogurt in your home – and it’s easier than you could ever imagine!
A light and nutritional food which improves our health and can also be consumed by people who are lactose intolerant.
By preparing yogurt at home you will be able to choose the best milk, which fruits you wish to include and whether or not to add sugar: you will always have your breakfast and healthy snacks ready in seconds.


Pour the milk into the tray GN ½ or a wide receptacle, add the yogurt and stir for about a minute.
Place the tray in the LIFE blast chiller, connect the probe and add the milk.

Select the function YOGURT>AUTOMATIC and start the program.
We advise you to use the LIFE blast chiller overnight so that it is free during the day.

When the yogurt is ready it will be chilled to +3°C and you will find it fresh and tasty.
At the end of the cycle pour the yogurt into a dish, and add the cereal, blueberries or raspberries.

Yogurt made with the LIFE domestic blast chiller can be preserved in the freezer for up to 10 days.
While some of the yogurt may be kept and consumed at a later date, part can be used to prepare another batch.